Helpers and Facades


  • The core class of messenger, and holds most of the configuration getters and setters.
  • This is a singleton and will only be loaded once into the container per request cycle.
//Using the container.
$config = app(\RTippin\Messenger\Messenger::class)->setProvider();

//Using the alias.
$config = app('messenger')->setProvider();

//Using the facade.
$config = \RTippin\Messenger\Facades\Messenger::getConfig();

//Using the helper.
$config = messenger()->getConfig();


  • The core Bots class that manages registered bot handlers and bot validations.
  • This is a singleton and will only be loaded once into the container per request cycle.
//Using the container.
$handlers = app(\RTippin\Messenger\MessengerBots::class)->getHandlerClasses();

//Using the alias.
$handlers = app('messenger-bots')->getHandlerClasses();

//Using the facade.
$handlers = \RTippin\Messenger\Facades\MessengerBots::getHandlerClasses();

//Using the helper.
$handlers = bots()->getHandlerClasses();


  • This support class allows you to send messages / reactions / events and more to a given thread or between two providers.
  • This is not a singleton, and you will be given a new class instance each time you call to one of our helpers.
//Using the container.

//Using the alias.

//Using the facade.

//Using the helper.